Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Husband Doesn't Want Me Checking Up On Him During Our Separation

I heard from a wife who said: "I didn't expect to talk to or see my husband every day while we were separated, but I did expect to be in touch. However, it was clear early on that my husband didn't want to be in contact with me. If I called him, he would try to get off the phone as soon as possible or make up some lame excuse as to why he needed to do something else. If I dropped by, he would stick his head out the door but not invite me in. The other day I got angry and I asked him why he wouldn't even spend any time with me. He finally answered that he really wants his privacy from while we are separated. He doesn't want to be accountable to me. Where does this leave me? I don't need to be in contact with him every minute of every day, but it feels like he wants to completely exclude me from his life. But if this was the case, why go for the separation? Why not just divorce me?" I will try to address these concerns in the following article.

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